Dr. Uri Ash is a process engineer with Polygreen Group LTD since October 2019, developing renewable, super absorbant polymers. He has been the lab manager and senior researcher with TEEM, 2016-2019. Dr. Ash has graduated (2008) from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technion as a Biochemical Engineer, and continued to a PhD in the direct (Special) course of study (2013). He has been an associated researcher as a postdoc at the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers at ETH Zurich prior to joining TEEM.
Current role: Senior Process Development scientist at TAT
Was member of Dario's team from October 2017 to January 2020.
A Research Associate with a strong background in materials characterizing, experiments planning, research and development with a Ph.D focused in porous ceramics materials for elevated temperatures from the Technion.
Current role: Senior researcher at the Grader research group, Chemical engineering, Technion.
Dr. Elena S. Davydova has received her diploma with honors in the Department of Electrochemical Technologies, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia in 2010. She has done her PhD with Prof. M.R. Tarasevich in Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). In 2014-2016, Elena worked in Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS as senior researcher. In 2016-2019, she joined the TEEM group of Prof. Dario R. Dekel in Chemical Engineering Department, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
Current role: Senior Scientist at the laboratory of Prof. Avner Rothschild, Matrials Engineering, Technion
John received his BSc in Chemical Engineering from Prairie View A&M University in Texas in 2003. It was a very applicative experience as he got the opportunity to do 3 engineering internships with various chemical and oil companies while obtaining his degree. After graduating, he began a career as a process engineer at the Brownwood, Texas location of 3M company. Throughout his 13.5 years of his employment there, he was internally recruited for and transitioned to many jobs with increasing responsibility; such as project engineer, Lean Six Sigma BB, factory project advisor and factory project leader for a new, globally
Sapir received her BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in 2016. Sapir joined Prof. Dekel's group in July 2015, during her BSc research project on Stability Studies of new Anion Exchange Membranes. In November 2016, she joined Dekel’s group as a Master student at the same filed. Since June 2018, Sapir is a PhD student (direct track) under the joint supervision of Prof. Charles Diesendruck from Chemistry department and Prof. Dekel, at the Technion.
Karam received his BSc from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology in 2017. In October 2017, Karam joined TEEM’s group as MSc student under the joint supervision of Prof. Dario Dekel and Prof. Simon Brandon. Later, in February 2019, Karam transfer to the direct track to PhD (special track for outstanding MSc students). His research focuses on modeling and simulation anion-exchange membrane fuel cell.
Nansi obtained her degree in Chemical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens, Greece. She did her master research investigating the effect of ionic liquids on the separation of azeotropic mixtures under the supervision of Professor Epaminondas Voutsas in 2015. From October 2016 to February 2021, Nansi has joined the groups of Professor Charles DIesendruck in Schulich Faculty of Chemistry and Dario Dekel in Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering in a joint project as a PhD student. Nansi has worked on the development and testing of novel functional groups and ionomers for alkaline fuel cell applications.
Current role: R&D Researcher at
Avital Zhegur received her B.Sc. from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology in 2018. Avital joined Prof. Dekel's group in October 2017, during her B.Sc. research project on stability studies of anion exchange membrane for advanced fuel cells. At October 2018 Avital started her master studies in the Department of Chemical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Dekel and graduated in 2019.
Current role: R&D Chemist at Phinergy
Dr. Reuven Gal-Ed received his PhD in combustion engineering from the School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (1988). He has joined the group on July 2017 and retired on November 2020.
Current role: Retired
Gila received her BA in Business Administration from Ruppin Academic Center in 1999.
In 2018-2020, Gila joined the TEEM group of Prof. Dario Dekel in chemical engineering at the Technion as an administrative manager.
Current role: Administrator at the Investment Division, Technion