The Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Ziye Xiao

Ziye Xiao received her BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in 2019. During her undergraduate research, she worked on corrole complexes for multiple purposes under the supervision of Prof. Zeev Gross. From 2019, Ziye Xiao joined Prof. Dario Dekel’s group as a MSc student.
Michal worked as a researcher between Jul 2015 - Dec 2016. She conducted stability tests for membranes of AFC (alkaline fuel cells), followed by  NMR, FTIR, and IEC analysis. Synthesis of quaternary amines. Current role: Post doctoral fellow at Ariel Universty.
Shou was a master student between 2016-2018. He studied the "Characterization of Anion Exchange Ionomers for Fuel Cell Applications". Current role: PhD candidate at TU Delft, Netherlands.
Noga graduated her BSc studies with honors in Chemical Engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in 2015. She then joined Prof. Dekel's group in 2016 for her MSc studies in the field of anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells. During her master research Noga studied the effect of CO2 in ambient air on AEM properties while using a variety of electrochemical, analytical and physico-chemical methods. The effect of CO2 on AEM fuel cells is one of the three major challenges in the development of this technology and the one which is the least studied in literature. During
Dr. Abhishek Narayan Mondal was a postdoc between 2017-2018. He then continued his work as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, Vanderbilt University, USA, followed by another fellowship at the Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, United States. Current role: Senior Polymer Scientist, Donaldson, Minnesota, United States.
Yiwei completer his MSc at 2018, in the topic of: Water Uptake study of Anion Exchange Membranes. Then he proceeded his studies as a PhD student in University of South Carolina. Current role: Principal Applications Engineer at Oracle, NY, USA.
Songlin majored in Chemical Engineering and minors in Environmental Engineering in Technion as an undergraduate student for 4 years since 2015. After participating in a senior project in Prof. Freger’s lab, Songlin focused on characterization of membranes via electrochemical method and thus decided to join Prof. Dekel’s group as an undergraduate researcher to explore relevant topics. Songlin completed his MSc in 2022. Current role:
Srdjan has graduated at Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade in 2015 and then joined our group in 2016. He completed his Master in molecular dynamics simulations of quaternary ammonium cations to be used in anion exchange membranes. He completed his PhD at Karslruche Institute of Technology in 2020. Current role: Researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe Area, Germany.